literal briefs.

by Erica

I meant to include this in my last post, but I completely spaced — again, probably because I spent the majority of the post-writing process drooling over hamburger pictures while google searching images. Anyway, I found this website, and thus a link to these creative briefs. I wanted to write about them, but couldn’t find (FOR THE LIFE OF ME) the inside contents of these briefs. So, here’s to hoping that the inside is as awesome as its packaging. I also perused Creature’s website and it seems like they do pretty neat work. New Zealand is a bike ride, a skip hop, and long ocean swim away though. Sadly.

(Missed my rantings of hamburger-driven advice about why to always have your briefs? See here)


My creative mind is already giddy. And I haven’t even been tasked anything yet. This is a brief. This is the goal.